Diversity Training Program for Facility Maintenance Personnel: A Concrete Way to Increase Engagement and Reduce Conflict
Contributed by Christopher Payne, Regional Sales Executive
Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) are important elements to incorporate in the employee training agenda for facility maintenance companies. Through diversity training, these service providers can ensure their back-end office employees as well as their on-ground staff are all performing their individual responsibilities as a part of cohesive teams. With numerous positive effects on employee performance and customer experience, diversity training creates an inclusive work environment that fosters employee well-being and engagement.
For a facility maintenance partner, employee performance at customer site must consistently meet expectations. In order to deliver high quality services, the employees require high team morale which is significantly impacted by workplace equality. Diversity training initiatives are an effective method for addressing biases, giving a voice to underrepresented communities, improving interpersonal skills, empowering employees with easy communication channels, managing conflicts in the workplace, and ultimately driving bottom-line business success. Although facility maintenance service providers have a wide range of pressing concerns and issues to address and resolve on a daily basis, it is equally important to support the day-to-day performance through comprehensive programs and initiatives including diversity training to create a positive work environment where employees give their best.
Diversified Maintenance has designed an insightful Corporate Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Training Program that facilitates maintaining an inclusive work environment while ensuring company-wide awareness on diversity, respect toward similarities and differences among all employees, effective conflict resolution, and positive communications. The training module includes but is not limited to key focus topics on Unconscious Bias, Hiring Diverse Talent (Eliminating Bias in Hiring), Managing Diverse Talent, and Conflict Resolution. The program also ensures the use of various training methods and channels such as online courses, classroom training, group exercises, among others. To learn more about the ways diversity training impacts employee productivity by making them feel engaged, empowered, included, and respected, send me a note at: Chris Payne cpayne@diversifiedm.com.