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Diversified Maintenance launches new CMMS

In February 2023, Diversified Maintenance began rolling out our new CMMS – FAMIS 360. This cloud-based platform is designed to automate work orders, manage assets, access facility conditions, track and associate critical documents, and much more. In short, FAMIS 360 will take all the Google Sheets, Excel spreadsheets, work-order related emails, reporting tools and streamline these processes into one system that is easily accessed from your smartphone. In addition to receiving and tracking work orders on their smartphones, our teams will be able to access and track KPIs instantly. FAMIS 360 will give Corporate Operations teams will have analytics at their fingertips, periodic schedules, and work order reports in real time. Customers will be able to check KPIs, create a work orders and see when work orders are closed, view analytics, and more. FAMIS 360 will allow Diversified Maintenance to be even more responsive to the ever changing needs of our customers.